Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Easy RootBeer Float

Recently, I made a super easy RootBeer Float using just 3 ingredients!

RootBeer ( your favorite flavor )
Vanilla Ice Cream
and JR Watkins RootBeer Flavoring

First, Add the ice cream to your favorite pretty mug, then pour the RootBeer over the ice cream!  The combination of flavors is rich and creamy!

*The ice cream was melting fast when I took this photo!  But the taste of this dessert was delicious!

Add some JR Watkins RootBeer Concentrate  for extra RootBeer flavor!

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  1. Congrats on your new blog Melissa - it looks beautiful! :-)

    It's been forever since I've had a root beer float but what a fun way to start your blog - that's a treat that brings back fond memories for so many of us!

    Best of luck to you on your new venture! :-)

  2. We are olden and we still drink them...I use just Vanilla flavoring. RootBeer Floats will always remind me of my childhood days...:)

  3. Congrats on your new blog Melissa! I just love it!

    My hubby loves root beer floats and yours sounds yummy!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Good luck on your new blog!

  4. I had a Root Beer Float the other night for a special treat, it is always good!Your recipe looks awesome and thanks so much for sharing it with us at Full Plate Thursday. Have a great day and come back to see us real soon!
    Miz Helen
